David Behan
Interim Chair
Office for Students

Sir David Behan is Interim Chair of the Office for Students. He took up his position in July 2024, following the conclusion of the Independent Public Bodies Review of the Office for Students, which Sir David led.
He began his career as a social worker and over a twenty-five-year period worked in five local authorities, leading three as director of social services.
He was President of the Association of Directors of Social Services in 2002.
In 2003, he became the first Chief Inspector of the Commission for Social Care Inspection. In 2006, he became the first Director General for Social Care in the Department of Health in England, advising ministers of both the Labour and coalition governments. During this period, he was responsible for a range of policy areas, including social care reform and the development of the first dementia strategy for England.
As CEO of the Care Quality Commission from 2012 to 2018, he led a fundamental reform of the way health and care services were regulated.
From 2018 he has held several non-executive director and adviser roles with a number of public and private organisations across the health and social care system, which currently include: Cera Care, HC-One limited, the London School of Economics Care Policy Evaluation Centre, the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Board and the international Sciana Leadership Programme.
He was appointed as the new chair of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in April this year. Between 2018 and 2023 he chaired the Board of Health Education England and until August 2024, was a Non-Executive Director of NHS England chairing the Workforce, Training and Education Committee.
Partners Sessions
In conversation: David Behan
Day 1 : 15:30 - 16:15 GMT
Main stage
Fiona Walsh McDonnell
Partnerships and Development Director
Student Hubs

Fiona is the Partnerships and Development Director at Student Hubs, supporting the growth and development of Student Hubs’ social action opportunities with UK universities.
Partners Sessions
The future of universities in their places - insight from the Kerslake Collection
Day 2 : 13:00 - 14:00 GMT
Wonks' stage
Stephen Curry
Director of Strategy
Research on Research Institute

Stephen Curry is an Emeritus Professor of Structural Biology at Imperial College London. He previously served as the university’s first Associate Provost for EDI and a University Consul. He is currently also Director of Strategy of the Research on Research Institute (RoRI). For many years he has been a writer and campaigner on a range of scientific issues including open access, research assessment, research funding and science policy. An academic activist, he has played prominent roles in Science is Vital and the Campaign for Science and Engineering (CaSE); from 2017-23 he was chair of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).
Partners Sessions
Everything you wanted to know about research policy but were too afraid to ask
Day 1 : 15:30 - 16:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
David Amigoni
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation
Keele University

David Amigoni is Keele University’s Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research and Innovation. He is Professor of Victorian Literature. He has worked extensively with the Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire cultural sector, having led Keele’s Knowledge Exchange Framework, the Keele Deal | Culture, 2019-24. He played a leading role in establishing the civic region’s cultural compact, Stoke Creates, from 2021. He is deeply committed to culture-led regeneration through publicly engaged research (he interviewed Booker Prize winner Ian McEwan at the 2009 Darwin Bicentenary Festival); and knowledge exchange (he is a national champion for Research England’s National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange).
Partners Sessions
Realising the value of humanities
Day 2 : 12:30 - 13:15 GMT
Senate Room
Heather Widdows
Professor of Philosophy
University of Warwick

Heather Widdows is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Warwick. She is author four books The Connected Self: The Ethics and Governance of the Genetic Individual (2013), Global Ethics: An Introduction (2011), and The Moral Vision of Iris Murdoch (2005). Her most recent book Perfect Me: Beauty as an Ethical Ideal (2018) is internationally acclaimed. Vogue described it as “groundbreaking”, Maclean’s as “a buzzed about book” and The Atlantic as “a scholarly work that is urgently relevant to the current cultural moment” and one of the best books of 2018. She was Deputy Chair of the Philosophy sub-panel for REF 2021 and was a member of the 2014 sub-panel and served two terms of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics.
Partners Sessions
Realising the value of humanities
Day 2 : 12:30 - 13:15 GMT
Senate Room
Graeme Wise
Director of Strategic Programmes and Engagement
University of London

Graeme Wise is Director of Strategic Programmes and Engagement at the University of London, a role focused on delivering the School of Advanced Study’s national role to promote and facilitate humanities research. He worked previously at UKRI as Corporate Strategy Lead at UKRI, part of the team which developed the UKRI Strategy 2022-2027, and as a Senior Policy Adviser on Knowledge Exchange at Research England. Prior to joining UKRI he was Head of Policy at the University Alliance, and held several policy and strategy roles at the National Union of Students. He holds a doctorate in social science from the University of Bristol, specialising in higher education policy and practice, and a master’s degree in political communications from Goldsmiths, University of London. He lives in Stratford, London.
Partners Sessions
In conversation with: David Sweeney
Day 1 : 14:30 - 15:15 GMT
Senate Room
Realising the value of humanities
Day 2 : 12:30 - 13:15 GMT
Senate Room
Andrew Akin Kolapo
Student Member of OU Council and Senate
Open University Students Association

My Role as a Student Member of the Open University Council – I believe this role is about being able to increase the voices and views of all the student at every level of the OU, enhancing the student experience making sure we have a place and a space to engage with each other, increase the awareness of the Student association and its services and lastly promote EDI through the student association in accessing University services and support. By being on the Council I will have first hand view of how all our priorities are being met.
Partners Sessions
The secret sauce for lifelong learning
Day 1 : 15:30 - 16:15 GMT
Woburn Suite
Alexis Brown
Head of Global Education Insights
British Council

Alexis Brown is Head of Global Insights at the British Council. Prior to that, she was Director of Policy at HEPI, where she published on research security and overseas R&D investment, and a Policy Manager at the Russell Group, where she managed a portfolio of policy issues related to higher education and financial sustainability. Originally from the USA, she holds a PhD in English literature from the University of Oxford.
Partners Sessions
At the geopolitical front line: university knowledge diplomacy in action
Day 2 : 10:30 - 11:30 GMT
Main stage
Helen Turner
Midlands Innovation

Dr Helen Turner is a materials scientist. The majority of her career has been spent developing and managing collaborations within a university setting both between universities and between universities and industry. Helen moved to the Midlands in 2008 to manage the Midlands Energy Consortium, whilst there, Helen played a critical role in the successful proposal for the £60m Innovate UK funded Energy Research Accelerator. The Energy Research Accelerator secured £120m in co-investment and created 23 new research assets; Helen has supported the project since its inception.
In 2015 Helen took up the role of Director of Midlands Innovation; a partnership of the eight Midlands research intensive universities, which represents over 70% of the university-based R&D in the region. In 2020, Helen became the Co-Vice Chair of the Midlands Engine Operations Board – the pan-regional growth partnership that leverages the region as a place to grow and invest on a national and international stage. In her time on the Operations Board and its Innovation and Enterprise Board Helen helped to secure the Midlands Engine Science and Innovation Audit.
Partners Sessions
The future of universities in their places - insight from the Kerslake Collection
Day 2 : 13:00 - 14:00 GMT
Wonks' stage
Stian Westlake
Executive Chair

Stian Westlake is Executive Chair of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). He joined in June 2023. Before this, he served as Chief Executive of the Royal Statistical Society, as Executive Director of Policy and Research at Nesta, as adviser to three UK science ministers and as a management consultant with McKinsey & Company. Stian’s research interests include the economics and politics of innovation, research and technology. He is a regular commentator on science and innovation policy, and co-author of ‘Restarting the Future: How to Fix the Intangible Economy’ and ‘Capitalism Without Capital: The Rise of the Intangible Economy’.
Partners Sessions
The decade ahead: how a Labour government could reshape higher education
Day 1 : 10:00 - 11:00 GMT
Main stage
Chris Husbands
Higher Futures

Sir Chris Husbands has led two contrasting institutions – the Institute of Education (2010-2015) and Sheffield Hallam University (2016-2023). He has also led a range of HE-sector wide initiatives, including the Teaching Excellence Framework and the Higher Education Statistics Agency. He is now a Trustee of HEPI and of Jisc, and founder-director of Higher Futures, providing support to universities and others on strategy, implementation and change.
Partners Sessions
The future of universities in their places - insight from the Kerslake Collection
Day 2 : 13:00 - 14:00 GMT
Wonks' stage
Are we all tertiary now? The opportunities and challenges of coordinating regional post-18 education provision
Day 1 : 11:15 - 12:15 GMT
Main stage
Marc Stears
UCL Policy Lab

Marc Stears is an internationally regarded academic, political strategist, speechwriter and executive educator, who specialises in creating dynamic collaborations between academic researchers and broader society. Currently the inaugural Director of the UCL Policy Lab, Marc has previously been Director of the Sydney Policy Lab at the University of Sydney, CEO of the New Economics Foundation, Professor of political theory at the University of Oxford and chief speechwriter to the UK Labour Party.. He is the author of several books, including Out of the Ordinary, published by Harvard University Press in 2021 and with his friend and co-author Tom Baldwin, England: Seven Myths that Changed a Nation and How to Set them Straight, published by Bloomsbury in 2024
Partners Sessions
How universities can influence the Labour government: in conversation with Marc Stears
Day 2 : 11:15 - 12:00 GMT
Wonks' stage
Brian Bell
UK Government Migration Advisory Committee

Brian Bell is Chair of the UK Government Migration Advisory Committee and a Professor of Economics at King’s Business School, a faculty of King’s College London. He joined KCL in 2017, following 4 years as an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at Oxford University and a Tutorial Fellow at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. He is a Research Associate at the Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics and a Trustee of the Nuffield Foundation. Professor Bell is a leading labour economist who is widely published, and his work on immigration has included papers examining the progress of immigrants in the labour market in the UK, and the impact of immigration on crime in the UK. He has also worked extensively outside academia, including at the Bank of England, the International Monetary Fund, and in a number of financial companies in the UK.
Partners Sessions
In conversation: MAC chair Brian Bell, followed by panel: resetting the public narrative on international HE
Day 1 : 13:45 - 15:15 GMT
Main stage
Vicki Stott
Chief Executive

Vicki has been Chief Executive of QAA for two years, during which time she has overseen the suspension and reinstatement of QAA on the European register of Quality Assurance Agencies, which led the Agency to demit from the role of DQB. She was a witness in person to the recent House of Lords inquiry into the Office for Students and has provided advice to government on not only matters of regulation, but also delivery of the lifelong learning agenda, drafting the legislation to criminalise provision of essay mill services, and the delivery of high-quality provision during the COVID pandemic.
Prior to joining QAA, Vicki was Bursar (COO) at St Hugh’s College Oxford. She has also worked at the University of Birmingham as Director of Strategic Planning and in various roles at Warwick University and Warwick Business School. She started her career in higher education at UMIST, where she worked in international student recruitment. Vicki worked on the Scottish Government inquiry into infant cremation practices, and has experience in the commercial and charity sectors, having run her own company and been director of a charity working with women and families affected by domestic abuse.
Vicki is a graduate of Manchester University, and Harvard Kennedy Business School from where she holds a qualification in the Strategic Management of Regulatory Enforcement Agencies.
Partners Sessions
Solve for student engagement: making sense of quality, teaching excellence and education gain
Day 2 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
The Wonkhe Show: Live recording
Day 2 : 13:00 - 14:00 GMT
Main stage
John Blake
Director for Fair Access and Participation
Office for Students

John is Director for Fair Access and Participation at the Office for Students. His role is to ensure that all students, from all backgrounds, with the ability and desire to undertake higher education, are supported to access, succeed in, and progress from higher education. He is also responsible for student information, insight and input within OfS’s work and oversees OfS’s annual distribution of £1.4bn of state funding to higher education.
Prior to joining OfS, he was a senior leader and researcher in the schools sector, leading on public affairs and curriculum research and design for Ark, policy and strategy for Now Teach and History initial teacher education for the Harris Federation. He has also worked as Head of Education and Social Reform for the think tank, Policy Exchange, was a founder governor of Oak National Academy, and served as an advisor to the government on reforms to initial teacher training and continuing professional development.
Partners Sessions
Opportunity for all
Day 2 : 15:30 - 16:30 GMT
Main stage
Sally Mapstone
Principal and Vice-Chancellor
University of St Andrews

Professor Dame Sally Mapstone FRSE is the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St Andrews in Scotland, a position she took up in 2016. During Dame Sally’s tenure, the University attained a historic “double first”, ranking top of the two leading University league tables in the UK: the Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2024 and the Guardian University Guide 2024.
At a national and international level, Professor Mapstone has served as the Convener of Universities Scotland, Vice-Chair of the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, and as Chair of the International Advisory Board for the University of Helsinki. She is currently the Chair of the Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) board, a trustee of the Europaeum, and in August 2023 she became the President of Universities UK (UUK).
Before St Andrew, Dame Sally’s career was spent at the University of Oxford, where she was latterly Pro-Vice Chancellor for Education in the University, and Professor of Older Scots Literature in its Faculty of English, as well as a Fellow of St Hilda’s College.
Partners Sessions
The decade ahead: how a Labour government could reshape higher education
Day 1 : 10:00 - 11:00 GMT
Main stage
Shitij Kapur
Vice-Chancellor and President
King’s College London

Professor Shitij Kapur is Vice-Chancellor & President of King’s College London. He returned to King’s in June 2021 after over four years at the University of Melbourne, where he was Dean and Assistant Vice Chancellor (Health) for the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences and interim Deputy Vice Chancellor (International). He was Assistant Principal (Academic Performance), Dean and Head of School for the Institute of Psychiatry and the founding Executive Dean of the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s between 2007 to 2016.
He is recognised worldwide for his research on understanding psychosis and antipsychotic treatment – with over 300 papers, presentations and an H-index of over a hundred.
Partners Sessions
The decade ahead: how a Labour government could reshape higher education
Day 1 : 10:00 - 11:00 GMT
Main stage
Julie Lydon
Medr / Commission for Tertiary Education

Professor Dame Julie Lydon was Vice-Chancellor of one of Wales’s largest universities, the University of South Wales (USW), from 2013 until 2021. She oversaw the merger of the University of Glamorgan and the University of Wales, Newport to create USW and its wider group, which included The College, Merthyr Tydfil and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. She brings governance and leadership experience through her current non-executive roles and from her previous experience as Chair of Universities Wales, Deputy Chair of University Alliance and Deputy Chair of the Universities and Colleges Employers Association.
Partners Sessions
Are we all tertiary now? The opportunities and challenges of coordinating regional post-18 education provision
Day 1 : 11:15 - 12:15 GMT
Main stage
Shahid Omer
Director of Policy
Universities UK

After an initial career in magazine publishing and media, Shahid Omer joined the civil service through the Civil Service Fast Stream and went on to have roles in Private Office, business finance (helping establish the British Business Bank), Industrial Strategy and as Senior Policy Adviser to Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg during the Coalition Government. Subsequently, while at Department of Education, he led on Widening Participation policy in higher education, and International Higher Education (being responsible for the International Education Strategy; International Students; and Erasmus and Turing amongst other responsibilities). Most recently, he developed the Government’s Innovation Strategy while at Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and helped establish the Dept for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) as the Transition Director following the recent Machinery of Government change. He joined Universities UK on secondment from DSIT in June 2023.
Partners Sessions
How to fix higher education's financial woes
Day 2 : 09:15 - 10:15 GMT
Main stage
Heidi Fraser Krauss
Chief executive

My current role is the CEO of Jisc. Jisc is a not-for-profit membership organisation that provides the UK universities, colleges and skills sectors with a shared digital infrastructure.
I studied psychology and management studies at the University of Glasgow, and started my career as a researcher studying how communication in the workplace supports innovation.
I have since held a variety of Board level leadership roles in higher education, most recently as executive director of corporate services at the University of Sheffield. In Sheffield I had strategic responsibility for all the core corporate services including IT, HR, Communications and Estates and Facilities. Prior to Sheffield, I spent eight years at the University of York, where, I held a variety of roles including deputy registrar and director of corporate and information services.
Over the years my work has covered high performance computing for research, library and archives, planning and strategic change, and leading the technology change team at the University of St Andrews.
I was a member of UCAS council for 8 years, chair of Universities and College Information Systems Association (UCISA), and chair of the Russell Universities Group IT Directors (RU)
Partners Sessions
The politics of technology: in conversation with Heidi Fraser-Krauss
Day 1 : 12:30 - 13:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
Jo Saxton
Chief Executive

Jo Saxton became the Chief Executive of UCAS on 15 January 2024, and was previously Chief Regulator of Ofqual from 2021 until 2024. Jo has a decade of experience in leadership of multi-academy trusts and has served an education advisor to government since 2009. Jo began her career in academia and holds qualifications from universities in England and the USA.
Partners Sessions
Opportunity for all
Day 2 : 15:30 - 16:30 GMT
Main stage
Mark Leach
Founder and editor in chief

Mark Leach is the founder and Editor in Chief of Wonkhe. Mark worked in policy, politics and public affairs in and around UK higher education and founded Wonkhe in 2011 while working as a jobbing policy wonk in the sector. The first part of his career took him to the National Union of Students, HEFCE, University Alliance, GuildHE as well as a stint in politics as a special adviser to the former Shadow Minister for Universities & Science. Mark began full-time work on Wonkhe in mid-2014 growing it from a simple blog to a thriving business with a range of information services for higher education. Mark was appointed MBE for services to higher education in the King’s Birthday Honours in June 2023.
Partners Sessions
In conversation with: Mary Curnock Cook
Day 2 : 14:30 - 15:15 GMT
Senate Room
Wendy Thomson
University of London

Born in Montreal Canada, she is recognised as an international expert in public service governance and reform, experienced leader and adviser, working closely with governments in Canada, the United Kingdom and internationally.
Moving to the UK in the 1980s, Professor Thomson obtained a PhD in social administration from the University of Bristol supported by scholarships from Canadian governments. She stayed on, working for the Greater London Council before becoming Assistant Chief Executive of Islington Council in London. In 1993, she was appointed Chief Executive of the charity, Turning Point. Professor Thomson returned to local government as Chief Executive of Newham Council before becoming Director of the Audit Commission.
During Prime Minister Tony Blair’s second government, Professor Thomson led the Office of Public Service Reform in the Cabinet Office and served on the advisory committees of the University of Warwick’s school of local government, the University of Birmingham’s INLOGOV and several think tanks. She was awarded a CBE for her work on public service reform in the 2005 New Year Honours.
In 2005, Professor Thomson was given a tenured Professorship in Social Policy at McGill University, Montreal when she was appointed Director of the School of Social Work and founding member of the centre for research on Children and Families. She taught public policy, supervised graduate students and established a research programme in child welfare and communities in northern Quebec. Alongside her role at McGill, she was appointed to lead Commissions for the governments of Ontario (Commission on Child Welfare) and Quebec (Patient-based financing of health care). International work included advising governments in Nigeria, Ghana, the UNDP and OECD missions in the Middle East. In 2014 she was received a Women of the Year award from the YWCA for her work in education.
In 2014, Professor Thomson returned to the UK to serve as Chief Executive of Norfolk County Council, a role she combined with leadership of Norfolk’s Integrated health system and development of a Combined Authority for East Anglia.
As chair of the London Anchors Institution Network and the London Research and Policy Partnership and member of the London Partnership Board Professor Thomson is committed to the contribution the university can play in enriching life in London.
She has served on many public and private Boards of Directors and is currently on the board of London Higher, The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), and the University Advisory Board for Coursera. She also is chair of the Social Market Foundation.
Partners Sessions
Turning knowledge into economic growth
Day 2 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Main stage
Mark Smith
University of Southampton & Chair of Advance HE

Professor Mark E. Smith is the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Southampton. He took up this role on 1 October 2019. Professor Smith was Vice-Chancellor at Lancaster University from January 2012 until September 2019. He was previously Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick. In addition to his role as President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Southampton, he has held a number of external appointments including Senior Independent Member of UKRI EPSRC’s Council, and was board member of the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales, chairing their Research Wales Committee. He also chairs UKRI’s Financial Sustainability of Research Group, and is Chair of Advance HE and a Council member of Research England. He was the former Chair of the University and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA) 2016-2022. He has also served on the Boards of Jisc, HESA and HESCU. He was awarded a CBE for Services to Research and Higher Education in the 2019 Queen’s Birthday Honours.
Partners Sessions
Leadership and governance to steward HE through challenging times
Day 2 : 11:45 - 12:45 GMT
Main stage
Philippa Pickford
Director of Regulation
Office for Students

Philippa Pickford is Director of Regulation at the Office for Students. She leads on the OfS’s approach to regulation, including the development, implementation and continuous improvement of regulatory decisions, interventions and enforcement.
Previously, Philippa held various senior positions at Ofgem. She led a team of over 600 people responsible for allocating £9bn of funds aimed at low carbon and customer outcomes. Her previous responsibilities include ensuring good outcomes for customers during the pandemic; strengthening the financial resilience of suppliers; and ensuring customers were protected when suppliers exited the market.
Partners Sessions
Leadership and governance to steward HE through challenging times
Day 2 : 11:45 - 12:45 GMT
Main stage
Amira Campbell

Amira Campbell (she/her) [Ah-meer-ah Kam-Buhl] is the National Union of Students UK President. Her background in liberation campaigns, notably the black voices campaign during her time as an undergraduate at the University of Birmingham established her as the first remunerated community organiser at the student union and led her to then take up office as Guild President there also. Amira continues her anti-racism work as a board member for BRIG (Birmingham Race Impact Group) and as an executive for Talawa; a collective envisioning the interconnected futures of black feminism, climate justice and liberated education. Amira has hosted multiple roles in arts organisations including the Birmingham Royal Ballet, CBSO (City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra) and Underscore; a community orchestra that celebrates music of the global majority.
Partners Sessions
Campus clashes and culture wars - what now for free speech?
Day 2 : 12:15 - 13:00 GMT
Woburn Suite
Opportunity for all
Day 2 : 15:30 - 16:30 GMT
Main stage
Alistair Jarvis
Pro-Vice Chancellor of Partnerships and Governance
University of London

Alistair is a member of the senior executive team at the University of London. His responsibilities include governance, communications, fundraising, marketing, legal, student recruitment, inclusion, regulatory compliance, quality assurance and supporting partnerships with federation members.
He was CEO of Universities UK from 2017 to 2022. Leading the representative body for the UK’s 140 universities – a registered charity and six subsidiary entities – his role included influencing policy, strategy and member engagement. Before this, he was Deputy CEO and Director of External Relations since 2013.
Previously, he was a Director at the University of Birmingham and has held external engagement roles for national organisations.
Alistair received a CBE in 2022 for services to Higher Education and supporting the sector during the covid-19 crisis.
He is a member of the UCAS Board of Trustees and a member of the advisory boards of Wonkhe, the UPP Foundation and the Discovery Decade project. Alistair was educated at the Universities of Kent, Leicester and the Institute of Education, UCL.
Partners Sessions
Making the most of your festival experience
Day 1 : 09:00 - 09:30 GMT
Woburn Suite
Workshop: policy ideas for the new government
Day 1 : 12:45 - 14:00 GMT
Woburn Suite
The Wonkhe Show: Live recording
Day 2 : 13:00 - 14:00 GMT
Main stage
Emma McCoy
Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education)
London School of Economics

Professor Emma McCoy became Vice President and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education) and Professor in the Department of Statistics in October 2022. In this role she oversees student education across the School. Her aim is that all students have an outstanding student experience and become an integral part of LSE’s scholarly community. In her previous role as Vice-Provost for Education and Student Experience at Imperial College London she had a focus on the whole university approach to education and student experience, with innovations in teaching delivery, building communities and bringing more student voice into key committees and decision making. She has a particular interest in mathematics education and outreach. She is a member of the Royal Society Advisory Committee of Mathematics Education, and its A-level Contact Group for Mathematics. She has delivered the London Mathematical Society popular lecture and Royal Institution mathematics masterclasses. Emma’s current research interests are in time series and causal inference, with a particular focus on how best to use data to inform intervention policies in transport applications. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and the Royal Statistical Society.
Partners Sessions
The pedagogy of AI
Day 1 : 16:30 - 17:30 GMT
Woburn Suite
Catriona Cannon
Senate House Librarian and Director of the Library Transformation Programme
University of London

Catríona Cannon has been the librarian of Senate House and programme director of the Library Transformation Programme at the University of London since 2021. Before moving to Senate House, she was deputy librarian of Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford (2014–2021), and vice-president of Reuben College, Oxford (2019–2021).
She has previously worked at University College Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland, University of the Arts London and King’s College London.
Partners Sessions
Workshop: Radical pasts and reimagined futures: the university in a post-truth world
Day 1 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Woburn Suite
Robin Gibson
Director of External Affairs

Robin Gibson has been director of external affairs at Kortext since July 2020. He develops sector relationships with universities enabling them to empower the next generation of difference-makers through Kortext’s smart teaching, learning and analytics platform. Previously, he led marketing teams and brands at Mondelēz, adidas, English Football League (EFL), Independent Television News (ITN) and Samsung. He is a graduate of Bristol Business School – UWE Bristol and a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. He also is a member of the C-Suite MBA mentoring team at the University of Southampton.
Partners Sessions
The pedagogy of AI
Day 1 : 16:30 - 17:30 GMT
Woburn Suite
Alex Usher
Higher Education Strategy Associates

Alex Usher is President of Higher Education Strategy Associates, a consultancy based in Toronto, Canada. He is the author or co-author of many works on access, student financial assistance, higher education finance and quality measurement.
Partners Sessions
What the UK can learn from Canadian (and global) HE, with Alex Usher
Day 2 : 09:15 - 10:15 GMT
Senate Room
Susan Orr
Pro Vice Chancellor Education and Equalities
De Montfort University

Professor Susan Orr is the Pro Vice Chancellor Education and Equalities at De Montfort University (DMU). Prior to her appointment at DMU she held leadership roles at York St John University, Sheffield Hallam University and University of the Arts London.
At DMU, Susan leads Learning for Life pillar of the university’s Empowering University Strategy. She leads the cross-university change programme which is delivering a distinctive block education system to our students. She is the DMU executive lead for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, as well as Arts, Design, and Humanities (ADH).
Susan was a panel member in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2 Panel and chaired the Arts Subject Review TEF Pilot Panel. She was also on the recent TEF panel in 2023. Susan was invited to lead the Office for Students review of Blended Learning and has delivered a range of keynotes and inputs disseminating the report’s findings.
Susan is a Professor of Creative Practice Pedagogy and her research centres on studio-based pedagogy in art and design. With Alison Shreeve she co-authored the book ‘Art and Design Pedagogy in Higher Education: knowledge, values and ambiguity’.
In 2021 she was invited by the German Bauhaus Kooperation to consider the impact of Bauhaus arts education on its 100th university. Details about Susan’s published outputs can be found on Google Scholar.
Susan is an HEA Principal Fellow, a National Teaching Fellow (awarded in 2010) and in 2020 led the academic enhancement team at University of the Arts London, winning an Advance HE Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence.
She has been a trustee for the Yorkshire Museums Trust, a member of the Group for Learning in Art and Design Board (GLAD) and a member of Council for Higher Education in Art and Design (CHEAD). At University of the Arts London Susan was co-chair of the university’s LGBTQ+ Staff Network. Susan chaired the European League of Institute of Arts (ELIA) Teachers’ Academy from 2018-2023.
Over her career Susan has been invited to give keynotes and to support teaching, learning and curriculum development in universities and art schools in North America, Australia, Hong Kong, and more. She is a Visiting Professor at Bournemouth University in the Centre for Excellence in Media Practice.
Partners Sessions
Solve for student engagement: making sense of quality, teaching excellence and education gain
Day 2 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
Natasha Vall
Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences
University of Greenwich

Natasha recently joined the University of Greenwich as Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean. Prior to that she was a Dean at Teesside University. She is a Professor of urban and cultural history and has led a number of research initiatives in support of place-based change and community focussed urban regeneration.
Partners Sessions
Turning knowledge into economic growth
Day 2 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Main stage
Jo Fox
Pro Vice-Chancellor Research and Public Engagement
The School of Advanced Study, University of London

Jo Fox is the Pro Vice Chancellor (Research and Public Engagement) and Dean, School of Advanced Study, University of London. The School of Advanced Study is the UK’s national centre for the promotion and facilitation of research in the humanities. It has eight specialist research institutes, four internationally-recognised research libraries, and organises the UK’s only Festival of Humanities research, Being Human. Her portfolio includes the University of London’s Senate House Library, a world-leading research library with over 2 million items, and the University of London in Paris, with unique programmes in French Studies and International Politics.
Prior to her current role, Jo was the first female Director of the Institute of Historical Research, first female Professor of Modern History and first female Head of Department at Durham University, where she began her academic career in 1999. She is an historian of propaganda, mis-and dis-information and psychological warfare. She has previously served as the Honorary Communications Director of the Royal Historical Society and early research panel Chair at the Wellcome Trust. She is a National Teaching Fellow (2007), a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (FRHistS), and a Fellow of the Royal Society for Manufactures and the Arts (FRSA). She currently serves on the Governing Board at the Royal Academy of Music.
Esme Ward
Director of Manchester Museum
University of Manchester

Esme Ward is Director of Manchester Museum, at the University of Manchester. Esme has worked in museums and heritage as an educator and cultural leader for over 25 years, including at the V&A, National Trust, the Whitworth and now, Manchester Museum. She has also worked across sectors, notably health and education.
She is Professor of Heritage Futures and for several years taught Museology. She led the £15 million capital transformation of Manchester Museum which reopened in February 2023, with the aim of renewing its creative and civic mission. She is currently leading work with others to develop practice and policy on repatriation, ecological stewardship and building an ethics of care in museums.
She is Co-Chair of the University Museums Group and sits on the National Museum’s Directors’ Executive Council. She sits on the Research England Advisory Group (REAG), Kew’s Wakehurst Advisory Committee and is a Trustee of Hope Valley Climate Action. She is the founding Chair of the National Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance and a Fellow of the Clore Leadership Programme.
Partners Sessions
Workshop: Radical pasts and reimagined futures: the university in a post-truth world
Day 1 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Woburn Suite
Elisabeth Hill
Deputy President & Provost
City St George’s, University of London

Professor Elisabeth Hill joined City, University of London as Deputy President in September 2022 and is now Deputy President & Provost at City St George’s, University of London. Elisabeth leads the City St George’s Programme – the merger of St George’s University of London into City, University of London to create a powerful combined joint institution. Elisabeth has responsibility for shaping and delivering the Strategic Transformation Programme which will enable the realisation of City St George’s vision and strategic plan. Prior to joining City, Elisabeth held various leadership roles at Goldsmiths, University of London including Deputy Warden, ProWarden Academic, Head of the School of Arts & Humanities, and Head of the Department of Psychology.
As Professor of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Elisabeth’s research focuses on neurodevelopmental disorders, and particularly developmental co-ordination disorder (sometimes referred to as dyspraxia or DCD) and autism, as well as the relationship between cognitive, social, and motor development in typical and atypical populations, and their broader impacts on mental health, academic and employment outcomes. Further strands of research within this sphere consider the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on these developmental relationships, and their impact on children and their parents within daily life, educational experience, and outcomes.
Partners Sessions
How to fix higher education's financial woes
Day 2 : 09:15 - 10:15 GMT
Main stage
Krupa Naik
Trustee and Vice President (Wellbeing & Diversity)
University of Plymouth SU

Partners Sessions
You're out of touch, they’re out of time – students under pressure
Day 1 : 12:30 - 13:30 GMT
Main stage
Barrie Davison
National Sector Head

Partners Sessions
How to fix higher education's financial woes
Day 2 : 09:15 - 10:15 GMT
Main stage
Nick Barrett
Executive Director, Student Journey
Royal Holloway University of London

Dr Nick Barratt joined Royal Holloway in 2023, with a remit to look after all aspects of student journeys into, through and beyond the institution covering learning support, campus life, wellbeing and employability, as well as leading on one of Royal Holloway’s strategic ambitions around skills for choice and opportunity. Before joining Royal Holloway, Nick was the Director of Learner and Discovery Services at the Open University, a large portfolio that included the library services, having previously acted as Director of Senate House Library from 2017-2019.
Partners Sessions
Workshop: Radical pasts and reimagined futures: the university in a post-truth world
Day 1 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Woburn Suite
Amy Pile
Buckinghamshire New University SU

I studied BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing at BNU, graduating in February 2024. Throughout my time at the university, I have held various roles within the Students’ Union, actively representing and supporting diverse student groups. I have served as a Student Representative, School Officer, Executive Officer for Mature Students and Students with Disabilities, Student Trustee, and Vice President for Education and Welfare (2023-2024). Now, as President for 2024-2025, I am dedicated to ensuring all students have the resources and support they need to succeed. I am passionate about enhancing the student experience at BNU, with a commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive campus community. With a background of 10 years in childcare, where I developed strong skills in empathy and communication, and 4 years in health and social care, which provided me with experience in patient advocacy and support, I bring a wealth of experience to my role.
Partners Sessions
You're out of touch, they’re out of time – students under pressure
Day 1 : 12:30 - 13:30 GMT
Main stage
Jean Mutton
Service Design in Education Network

Following a degree in Educational Research back in the ’70s, Jean began a career in Higher Education academic administration where she managed Registry and Faculty-based teams, covering the student journey from Admissions to Graduation. Latterly, she has been working as a consultant across the sector using human-centred design for process improvement to enhance the student and staff experience. Jean is a co-founder of the Service Design in Education network and is a co-editor of the recent publication ‘Transforming Higher Education with Human-Centred Design’ www.sd4he.co.uk.
Partners Sessions
Putting people first – using human centred design to foster an inclusive student experience
Day 2 : 10:45 - 12:00 GMT
Woburn Suite
Danny Douglas
Central England Cooperative

Danny Douglas was an activist in the further education sector from incorporation in 1992 until 2010. He travelled the length and breadth of the country trouble shooting and dealing with “situations” in colleges raised by students and their representative bodies. He now does something completely different, running buses for a living, as well as being a director of the largest independent Coop in the country. However he has many reflections on the student experience and the structural issues of the culture war within the FE sector – the echoes of which have had some profound implications for higher education today.
Partners Sessions
Secrets and fries: franchising in HE
Day 1 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
Michael Wood
Head of Health Economic Partnerships
NHS Confederation

Michael Wood is the Head of Health Economic Partnerships at the NHS Confederation. This is a role Michael himself created, seeking to support NHS leaders to understand and engage with the social and economic development landscape that is rapidly changing the governance of England. Michael is a respected national leader in this space and routinely publishes briefings and thought leadership, presents on policy developments, represents the service, and advises a range of systems, organisations and individuals on how to develop and deliver impactful strategy. He holds positions on the National Civic University Advisory Panel, AccessHE, the Midlands Engine Health, Care and Life Sciences Board and is a Visiting Fellow of the University of Staffordshire. Follow him at @NHSLocalGrowth
Partners Sessions
The future of universities in their places - insight from the Kerslake Collection
Day 2 : 13:00 - 14:00 GMT
Wonks' stage
Catherine Eagleton
University Librarian, and Director of Collections and Museums
University of St Andrews

Dr Catherine (Katie) Eagleton is University Librarian, and Director of Collections and Museums, at the University of St Andrews. She took up this position in 2019 have previously worked in a number of national cultural institutions, including the Science Museum, British Museum and British Library in the UK, and the Smithsonian Institution in the USA. She is passionate about opening up cultural heritage collections to the widest possible audiences, and the potential of digital tools and technologies for advancing the purpose and mission of cultural organisations.
Katie has a number of advisory appointments, including to the Steering Group for the AHRC Towards a National Collection programme and the Research Expert Group for the AHRC-DCMS Culture and Heritage Capital research programme. She is a board member and trustee for Research Libraries UK and for Fife Cultural Trust, and a member of the Designation Panel for Arts Council England.
Geraint Rees
Vice Provost (Research, Innovation & Global Engagement)

Geraint is UCL’s Vice-Provost (Research, Innovation & Global Engagement), responsible for providing vision and academic leadership for UCL’s world-leading portfolio of £3.26bn in current research and innovation funding, over £3bn of external investment in start-ups and spinouts over the last five years, and international collaborations that have produced 80,000 research publications in the last five years with the world’s top five knowledge producing economies. He is a non-executive director of UCL Business, one of the world’s leading technology transfer companies, of the Francis Crick Institute and the Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national AI institute.
Partners Sessions
At the geopolitical front line: university knowledge diplomacy in action
Day 2 : 10:30 - 11:30 GMT
Main stage
Janice Kay
Provost and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
University of Exeter

Professor Janice Kay is the Provost and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Exeter. She is a Professor of cognitive neuropsychology, first appointed to Exeter through a Wellcome Trust University Lectureship. Her research, which has received funding from the Economic and Social Research Council, Wellcome Trust and the Medical Research Council, is concerned with theoretical modelling, assessment and rehabilitation of disorders of perception, speech, language and memory.
Partners Sessions
The pedagogy of AI
Day 1 : 16:30 - 17:30 GMT
Woburn Suite
Ann Kaegi
Lecturer and Faculty EDI Champion
University of Hull

Dr Ann Kaegi is an experienced educational leader and strategist with a record of securing positive step-changes in student satisfaction, student outcomes, and subject rankings at pace. She has provided expert guidance to multiple arts and humanities subjects as Director of Education and Student Experience (formerly Dir of L&T), and has a longstanding commitment to advancing equity, diversity and inclusion in HE. She has contributed to major service design projects as an inclusive design consultant and facilitator, and is currently using inclusive, person-centred Design Thinking to co-design for inclusion, belonging, global competence, and sustainability in HE.
Partners Sessions
Putting people first – using human centred design to foster an inclusive student experience
Day 2 : 10:45 - 12:00 GMT
Woburn Suite
Gracie Otley
Wellbeing Officer
Manchester Metropolitan University SU

Partners Sessions
You're out of touch, they’re out of time – students under pressure
Day 1 : 12:30 - 13:30 GMT
Main stage
Richard Puttock
Head of Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
University of Leeds

Richard is currently head of business intelligence and data analytics at the University of Leeds where he leads a team providing data and insights to support strategic decision making. Prior to starting at Leeds he was director of data, foresight and analysis at the OfS
Partners Sessions
Data Futures, redux
Day 1 : 11:15 - 12:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
Livia Scott
Partnerships Coordinator

Partners Sessions
How to write the perfect article on Wonkhe.com
Day 1 : 15:30 - 16:15 GMT
Senate Room
Alvina Imran
Salford SU

Partners Sessions
You're out of touch, they’re out of time – students under pressure
Day 1 : 12:30 - 13:30 GMT
Main stage
Seamus Gillen
Founder & Director
Value Alpha Ltd

Seamus is a practiced governance adviser with executive management experience gained in senior roles.
Partners Sessions
Leadership and governance to steward HE through challenging times
Day 2 : 11:45 - 12:45 GMT
Main stage
Becky Rothwell
Researcher & Consultant
Warwick Business School

Becky researches the intersection of design thinking, knowledge work and artificial intelligence in consultancy environments. She recently pivoted from a six-year career in Civil Engineering and now focuses on integrating technology to enhance innovative problem-solving and decision-making.
Partners Sessions
Putting people first – using human centred design to foster an inclusive student experience
Day 2 : 10:45 - 12:00 GMT
Woburn Suite
Rachel Persad
Head of Research Policy

I lead on research policy at GuildHE, a recognised representative body for higher education in the UK comprising 67 diverse institutions characterised by specialist, vocational, and technical education. Through our dedicated research consortium, GuildHE Research, we support the ambitions of our diverse member institutions to develop positive research cultures, share infrastructure, and achieve excellence and quality in research. Prior to joining GuildHE in 2012, I have had experience of European funded research, brokering knowledge exchange activities, working in the arts, and in digital publishing.
Partners Sessions
Redesigning the research funding system
Day 2 : 10:30 - 11:15 GMT
Senate Room
Tito Molokwu
General Secretary
London School of Economics Students Union

Partners Sessions
You're out of touch, they’re out of time – students under pressure
Day 1 : 12:30 - 13:30 GMT
Main stage
David Gilani
Head of Student Engagement and Advocacy
Middlesex University

David works at Middlesex University as a staff governor and their Head of Student Engagement and Advocacy. Having started his career as a students’ union officer, he is a strong proponent of the student voice and in 2012 he founded the Student Publication Association, which supports student journalists across the UK and Ireland. He believes strongly in universities working together to support student engagement efforts, and so leads AHEP’s Student Experience and Engagement Network. He is also studying for his PhD at the University of York on the topic of student belonging.
Partners Sessions
Making the most of student feedback
Day 2 : 11:30 - 12:15 GMT
Senate Room
Navneet Johal
Director, Education GTM

Navneet is the Director of Education Go-To-Market at Salesforce. Prior to joining Salesforce, Navneet was a Solution Director for Higher Education and Research at SAP, and also a Senior Analyst in Ovum’s Industry Technologies Team where she led research on the use of technology in higher education. Navneet’s passion for education and technology began when she was teaching in the further education sector in the UK for several years, before to research and tech.
Partners Sessions
Last night a chatbot eased my strife
Day 2 : 13:30 - 14:15 GMT
Senate Room
Nick Braisby
Vice Chancellor
Buckinghamshire New University

Partners Sessions
Secrets and fries: franchising in HE
Day 1 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
Debbie McVitty

Debbie McVitty is Editor of Wonkhe. Debbie is a former chief of staff at Universities UK, director of policy at the University of Bedfordshire, and head of policy at the National Union of Students, and is a founding member of Wonkhe’s editorial group.
Partners Sessions
Making the most of your festival experience
Day 1 : 09:00 - 09:30 GMT
Woburn Suite
Practical innovation and education change
Day 1 : 11:15 - 12:15 GMT
Woburn Suite
Mark Peace
Professor of Innovation in Education & Academic
Kings College London

Mark Peace is Professor of Innovation in Education at Manchester Metropolitan University and Assistant Director of Learning Enhancement and Educational Development, focused on Innovation and Initiatives. His portfolio includes the creation of the Guardian award winning Rise programme.
Partners Sessions
Solve for student engagement: making sense of quality, teaching excellence and education gain
Day 2 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
Joy Elliott-Bowman
Director of Policy & Development
Independent Higher Education

Joy Elliott-Bowman is the Director of Policy and Development at Independent Higher Education. She leads IHE’s policy development, advocacy and member support as well as facilitating good practice across the independent sector. She has over 20 years of experience in the British and Canadian education sectors, working from within universities, independent providers, students’ unions, and national student and higher education sector organisations. While working across all aspects of higher education policy, Joy has a specific interest in international education policy, student engagement, quality and innovation in both higher education and skills.
Partners Sessions
Secrets and fries: franchising in HE
Day 1 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
Sophie Turnbull
Director of International Recruitment and Admissions
UWE, Bristol

Sophie has worked within the international recruitment sector for over 14 years and during this time has specialised in overseas markets, relocated to set up an overseas regional office and travelled to a large number of key markets. She currently works as Director of International Student Recruitment and Admissions at UWE, leading on the recruitment and admissions strategy for teams based both in the UK and overseas.
Partners Sessions
In conversation: MAC chair Brian Bell, followed by panel: resetting the public narrative on international HE
Day 1 : 13:45 - 15:15 GMT
Main stage
Amber Snary
Education Officer
The SU, University of Bath

Amber is the second-term Education Officer at the SU Bath (the first to do this role twice in a row in 14 years!). Her niche lies in accessible provision – from inclusive teaching policy to academic rights, and she will always be happy to nerd out with you about it. She has previously spoken about the importance of student voice in the APP for UUK and about lifelong learning (using the hypothetical, dreamy example of Cradlez – a hybrid of educational psychology and mortuary services) for the QAA.
Partners Sessions
Making the most of student feedback
Day 2 : 11:30 - 12:15 GMT
Senate Room
Adrian Ellison
Pro Vice-Chancellor (People and Digital)
University of West London

Adrian is the Pro Vice-Chancellor (People and Digital) at University of West London. He has strategic responsibility for shaping the University’s digital future and looks after Human Resources, IT Services, Library Services and the Institute for Policing Studies.
He has worked in higher education for over 25 years. Prior to joining to UWL, he was at the London School of Economics, Royal Holloway and the University of Leeds. He was Chair of UCISA between 2021-23, having served on the Board of Trustees for many years prior. He has spoken widely about IT, cyber security, policing education and digital futures at both national and international conferences.
Partners Sessions
Data Futures, redux
Day 1 : 11:15 - 12:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
Ben Johnson
Professor of Practice, Research and Innovation Policy
University of Strathclyde

Partners Sessions
Turning knowledge into economic growth
Day 2 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Main stage
Kelli Wolfe
Deputy Academic Registrar
University of Roehampton

Kelli Wolfe is currently Deputy Academic Registrar at the University of Roehampton. She has worked in UK Higher Education for 16+ years across various functions within student administration, admissions, quality management and student support. She holds an MSc in Higher Education Administration, Management and Leadership from Nottingham Trent University (Distinction). Her current research interests focus on the burnout experience in UK HE professional services, with recent publications on the topic in Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education and Wonkhe.
Partners Sessions
What should the compact be with higher education staff?
Day 1 : 16:30 - 17:30 GMT
Main stage
Allan Sudlow
Director of Partnerships and Engagement
Arts and Humanities Research Council

Dr Allan Sudlow is Director of Partnerships and Engagement at the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), which is part of UK Research and Innovation. Allan oversees AHRC’s strategy, programmes and partnerships that extend beyond academia, including those across cultural, heritage and creative industries sectors. He also oversees AHRC’s large scale physical and digital infrastructure investments, and a broad range of research and development collaborations focussing on public and policy impacts. Allan was previously Head of Research Development at the British Library, has led strategy and research portfolios at the Medical Research Council, worked closely with the Economic and Social Research Council on longitudinal data programmes. Allan originally trained as a neuroscientist and undertook doctoral and post-doctoral research across academia and industry.
Partners Sessions
Workshop: Radical pasts and reimagined futures: the university in a post-truth world
Day 1 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Woburn Suite
Cláudia Moreira
Vice-President for Postgraduate and International Experience
Kent Union

Cláudia Moreira is a Portuguese PhD student at the University of Kent, having moved to the UK in September 2021. She completed her BA and MA in Cinema at the University of Beira Interior in Portugal and worked as a drama and history teacher before relocating. She has worked as an assistant lecturer at the University of Kent and a GTA at City St. George, University of London. Her research focuses on the Political Economy of Film and she is currently intermitting to be able to represent and advocate for students as the Vice President for Postgraduate and International Experience at Kent Students’ Union.
Partners Sessions
In conversation: MAC chair Brian Bell, followed by panel: resetting the public narrative on international HE
Day 1 : 13:45 - 15:15 GMT
Main stage
Chris Shelley
Director of Student Experience
Queen Mary, University of London

Chris Shelley is the Director of Student Experience at Queen Mary University of London. He is responsible for ensuring students are supported through their journey from before they arrive to beyond graduation. His areas of responsibility include Student Wellbeing, Registry, Careers and Enterprise and Library Services and a range of functions that support the journey of students.
He has previously held similar leadership positions at the University of Greenwich and King’s College London and has served on the Executive Committee of AMOSSHE. He is also Chair of the Trustee Board at the Suzy Lamplugh Trust.
Partners Sessions
Last night a chatbot eased my strife
Day 2 : 13:30 - 14:15 GMT
Senate Room
Gabby McLaren
Head of Data and Insight
Point Blank Music School

I am the Head of Data and Insight at Point Blank Music School. My role involves responsibility for all of the statutory returns as well as assorted internal data analysis and data wrangling. As we are a small provider I also get involved in most other processes throughout the student journey.
I have been working in the sector for almost a decade, starting out at HESA in the liaison and training teams and also working at two providers before moving to Point Blank. I am always keen to share my experiences as well as learn from those with even more diverse and interesting student cohorts
Partners Sessions
Data Futures, redux
Day 1 : 11:15 - 12:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
Sam Friedman
Professor of Sociology
London School of Economics

Sam Friedman is a sociologist of class and inequality, and his research focuses in particular on the cultural dimensions of contemporary class division.
Partners Sessions
In conversation: Aaron Reeves and Sam Friedman
Day 1 : 13:15 - 14:00 GMT
Senate Room
Jonathan Simons
Partner and Head of the Education Practice
Public First

Jonathan Simons is a Partner, and Head of the Education Practice, at the strategy and public policy consultancy Public First.
Jonathan has spent the past nineteen years working in and with government on education issues – eight years in government including 2.5 years in the No10 Strategy Unit; as the Head of Education for the think tank Policy Exchange; and working in international education for the global charity Varkey Foundation.
Jonathan is a Trustee of Education Development Trust and the co-founder of Ark Greenwich Free School. He sits on advisory boards for Teach First, Royal National Children’s SpringBoard Foundation, Impetus, and the Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO) at UCL
Partners Sessions
Opportunity for all
Day 2 : 15:30 - 16:30 GMT
Main stage
Andy Westwood
Professor of government practice
University of Manchester

Andy is Professor of Government Practice at the University of Manchester where he teaches politics and is a theme director at the ESRC funded Productivity Institute. He also works regularly as an adviser to the OECD, the EU and the IMF, as well as for the Select Committees on Economic Affairs and Digital Skills in the House of Lords. He was a special adviser to education and science ministers in the last Labour government and also worked as an advisor at the Treasury and the Department for Communities and Local Government.
Partners Sessions
The decade ahead: how a Labour government could reshape higher education
Day 1 : 10:00 - 11:00 GMT
Main stage
Alex Favier
Founder and Director
Favier Ltd

Alex has more than a decade of global and political affairs experience and an outstanding track-record of innovation, impact and creativity working for some of the UK’s best universities and government agencies.
David Palmer
Business Director

David leads the Cibyl team. Cibyl provide data, research, and analytics services to higher education institutions, employers, and students’ unions, and they run the Belong study with Wonkhe.
Partners Sessions
Belong: the latest trends from our student insight panel
Day 2 : 10:30 - 11:00 GMT
Wonks' stage
Jessica Wren Butler
Honorary Research Associate
Imperial College London

Dr Wren Butler is a qualitative social scientist whose research interests constellate around belonging and unbelonging, inequalities, cultural ideals, and the ‘isness’ of social roles and identities. She has worked in a variety of HE roles since 2007, including leading an institutional REF submission, and completed two research projects investigating contemporary academic identities, roles, and experiences in English universities.
Partners Sessions
What should the compact be with higher education staff?
Day 1 : 16:30 - 17:30 GMT
Main stage
Justine Andrew
Partner, Head of Education and Skills in the UK

Based in Leeds, Justine is Head of Education and Skills and she is also Head of KPMG’s University Partnership Team.
She leads our work with some of the largest Education providers nationally as well as being at the forefront of our work in the skills space. In her University Partnership role she is thinking differently about how providers and employers can work together across a range of areas.
She has a particular interest in the economic development of ‘place’ and the role of collaboration to achieve that.
Partners Sessions
Are we all tertiary now? The opportunities and challenges of coordinating regional post-18 education provision
Day 1 : 11:15 - 12:15 GMT
Main stage
Mary Curnock Cook
The Dyson Institute

Following a 30-year career in education, including as a former CEO of UCAS, Mary now has a portfolio of non-executive and advisory roles in education and edtech.
She chairs the Dyson Institute and Pearson Education, Pearson’s UK qualifications arm. She’s a lay Council member at the University of Leicester and a NED at the London Interdisciplinary School, the Student Room and Education Cubed. She’s also a Trustee at HEPI and at multi-academy trust, The River Learning Trust. She is network Chair for edtech venture capital fund Emerge and advises a number of their portfolio companies. She chaired the UPP Foundation Student Futures Commission after the pandemic.
Mary has an MSc from London Business School, was awarded OBE in 2000 and was promoted to CBE in 2020 for service to further and higher education.
Partners Sessions
In conversation with: Mary Curnock Cook
Day 2 : 14:30 - 15:15 GMT
Senate Room
Rachel MacSween
Director of Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement
IPD Connect

Rachel is the Director of Partnerships and Stakeholder engagement at IDP in the UK. Her role is to work with university partners on their student recruitment ambitions, as well as leading on government and sector stakeholder management, B2B Marketing and Global Communications. Prior to her joining IDP in early 2022, Rachel held roles as Director of International at the University of York in the UK, Head of Recruitment at University of Strathclyde in Glasgow and roles with Navitas for seven years in both Edinburgh and Melbourne.
Rachel is passionate about ensuring successful outcomes for her clients, sharing IDP’s unique data sets to help improve the policy environment in the UK and working with a wider group of colleagues in the sector to constantly improve the applicant experience.
Partners Sessions
In conversation: MAC chair Brian Bell, followed by panel: resetting the public narrative on international HE
Day 1 : 13:45 - 15:15 GMT
Main stage
Brooke Storer-Church
Chief Executive Officer

Dr Brooke Storer-Church joined GuildHE as Chief Executive Officer in June 2024. Prior to that, she was Director of Strategic Academic Engagement at Birmingham City University (2022-2024), with responsibility for co-developing the university’s academic strategies, developing and overseeing BCU’s new APP, engaging strategically with external stakeholders and contributing to the improvement of university policies and processes to ensure positive outcomes for all students. Before joining BCU, she spent 10 years working in a variety of roles at the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and then the Office for Students where, as Head of Skills, she developed Skills policy for the new regulator, spearheaded cross-directorate leadership initiatives, and launched competitive funding programmes across of a range of policy areas including graduate outcomes, technical education, degree apprenticeships, digital skills, healthcare education, and knowledge exchange.
Partners Sessions
Are we all tertiary now? The opportunities and challenges of coordinating regional post-18 education provision
Day 1 : 11:15 - 12:15 GMT
Main stage
Arun Verma
Head of Equality & Inclusion
University of London

Dr Arun Verma is the leading figure in integrating intersectionality, inclusion and equity in higher education systems, policy and programmes both nationally and internationally. He is Head of Equality and Inclusion at the University of London and Fellow of the RSA. His area of expertise is rooted in the relationship between intersectionality, inclusion and equality in relation to student and staff retention and success. He has led the embedding of intersectionality, inclusion and anti-racist practice in higher education, government, and a variety of national and global programmes, policy development and practices. He has been granted a number of awards facilitating his research and impact including a Doctor of Laws honoris causa from the University of Dundee for his impact and leadership in the field of inclusion, intersectionality and antiracism. Dr Verma is an established and respected voice for change in the higher education sector and holds several senior board roles facilitating constructively disruptive conversations about equality, intersectionality, inclusion and impact. His academic leadership is well regarded, of which his edited collection ‘Anti-racism in higher education: An action guide for change’ is accelerating action for inclusion in higher education.
Partners Sessions
What should the compact be with higher education staff?
Day 1 : 16:30 - 17:30 GMT
Main stage
Phil Allmendinger
Professor of Land Economy and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education)
University of London

Phil Allmendinger is Professor of Land Economy and Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education) at the
University of London. Prior to taking up this post in July 2024 he held positions at various UK
universities including 14 years at the University of Cambridge where he was Dean of Humanities and
Social Sciences. His research is focused on urban planning theory and practice including changing
conceptions of space and territory, post-politics and most recently smart cities and the impacts of
the pandemic. He has published 16 books including his most recent Forgotten City (2021). In 2025 he
will publish Critical Planning Futures with colleagues from UCL and Cardiff and the fourth edition of
Planning Theory will be published in 2026.
Partners Sessions
At the geopolitical front line: university knowledge diplomacy in action
Day 2 : 10:30 - 11:30 GMT
Main stage
David Sweeney
Professor of Research Policy
University of Birmingham

David Sweeney is Professor of Research Policy at the University of Birmingham. Previously he was founding Executive Chair of Research England within UKRI, the agency responsible for creating and sustaining the conditions for a healthy and dynamic research and knowledge exchange system in English universities.
Partners Sessions
In conversation with: David Sweeney
Day 1 : 14:30 - 15:15 GMT
Senate Room
Sarah Seed
Mills & Reeve LLP

Sarah specialises in advising universities on lending arrangements and financial restructuring. She has worked closely with universities for 20+ years on a variety of different financing products including private placements with institutional investors, listed public bonds, aggregated bond structures, term debt to finance campus development and revolving credit facilities with clearing banks. More recently, Sarah has supported a number of universities on financial restructuring and transformation, including dealing with going concern queries from auditors and compliance with the financial sustainability aspects of the Regulatory Framework, Reportable Events, Student Protection Directions, contingency planning and interaction with Office for Students, the implications of the USS Debt Monitoring Framework and compliance with the Pension Schemes Act.
Partners Sessions
How to fix higher education's financial woes
Day 2 : 09:15 - 10:15 GMT
Main stage
Rachel Reeds
Senior Admissions Manager
Anglia Ruskin University

Rachel Reeds has been surviving and thriving in higher education professional services since 2011. Her book, Surviving and Thriving in Higher Education Professional Services, will be published on 2 December 2024.
Partners Sessions
Surviving and thriving in HE professional services
Day 1 : 11:15 - 12:00 GMT
Senate Room
Jeremy Driver
Head of Campaigns
Britain Remade

Partners Sessions
Tackling the Cheems Mindset in higher education
Day 1 : 16:30 - 17:30 GMT
Wonks' stage
Aaron Reeves
Course Director - Evidence-Based Intervention and Policy Evaluation
University of Oxford

Aaron Reeves is a Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology at LSE where he works on the political economy of health and social stratification. His latest book – Born to Rule: The Making and Remaking of the British Elite – was published by Harvard University Press.
Partners Sessions
In conversation: Aaron Reeves and Sam Friedman
Day 1 : 13:15 - 14:00 GMT
Senate Room
Molly Morgan Jones
Director of Policy
The British Academy

Molly Morgan Jones is Director of Policy at The British Academy. Molly oversees all the Academy’s policy work and activities, on topics ranging from how the humanities and social sciences can shape a post-pandemic future, to purposeful business, to understanding society and community, and higher education and skills policy. She led the team that produced the Academy’s landmark review on the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19. Prior to joining the Academy, Molly worked at RAND Europe, an independent policy research institute, where she specialised in research and innovation policy. Molly has also worked for the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. She has a DPhil from the University of Sussex in Science and Technology Policy and a BA in Biology from Northwestern University.
Partners Sessions
Redesigning the research funding system
Day 2 : 10:30 - 11:15 GMT
Senate Room
Jim Dickinson
Associate editor

Jim is an Associate Editor at Wonkhe and takes a particular interest in student experience, university governance, and regulation – and leads our work with students’ unions.
His career background is in support for student leadership. He has held senior roles at the National Union of Students – where he led on SU development, campaigns and political strategy – and was the CEO at the SU at UEA, providing strategic management for the union’s charitable and commercial vehicles as well as policy support for the elected student officers.
Jim has served as a governor and trustee in both further and higher education and the voluntary sector, and is a regular speaker at sector events and conferences. He is a fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts, an obsessive fan of the Eurovision Song Contest, and dreams of visiting Moldova.
Partners Sessions
Campus clashes and culture wars - what now for free speech?
Day 2 : 12:15 - 13:00 GMT
Woburn Suite
Secrets and fries: franchising in HE
Day 1 : 14:15 - 15:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
What the UK can learn from Canadian (and global) HE, with Alex Usher
Day 2 : 09:15 - 10:15 GMT
Senate Room
Belong: the latest trends from our student insight panel
Day 2 : 10:30 - 11:00 GMT
Wonks' stage
Ian Pickup
Pro-Vice-Chancellor - Students
The Open University

Ian is Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students) at The Open University, with responsibility for the university’s mission of enabling students to achieve their goals. Ian has oversight of employability, access and participation and quality monitoring and enhancement, and is executive sponsor for the development of the OU’s tuition model and the deployment of AI and Gen AI across the institution. Ian holds a BA (with QTS) from the University of Warwick and a PhD in Education from the University of Roehampton. He is a National Teaching Fellow, Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Professor of the Student Experience in Higher Education.
Partners Sessions
The secret sauce for lifelong learning
Day 1 : 15:30 - 16:15 GMT
Woburn Suite
Michael Salmon
News editor

Michael is News Editor at Wonkhe. Prior to joining Wonkhe, Michael worked in various academic and managerial roles at the University of Southampton, King’s College London and the University of Liverpool, with a focus on international education and online course design. He is a Senior HEA Fellow and a doctoral student at the University of Bath’s International Centre of Higher Education Management.
Partners Sessions
How to read higher education news
Day 2 : 12:15 - 12:45 GMT
Wonks' stage
How to write the perfect article on Wonkhe.com
Day 1 : 15:30 - 16:15 GMT
Senate Room
The Wonkhe Show: Live recording
Day 2 : 13:00 - 14:00 GMT
Main stage
Selena Bolingbroke
Building Crafts College

Selena has worked across higher and further education, central and local government in leadership roles that have combined her interests in partnership, education and enterprise. She is also one of the founding Wonkhe Board Directors. Her current role is as Principal of the Building Crafts College, a specialist vocational craft college based in east London which is sponsored by the Worshipful Company of Carpenters.
Partners Sessions
Workshop: improving higher education
Day 2 : 14:00 - 15:15 GMT
Woburn Suite
Liz Thomas
Researcher Department for Education
University of York

Liz Thomas is professor of higher education at the University of York, and has been researching student diversity, experiences and outcomes for more than twenty-five years. She is working with a number of higher education institutions to develop a whole provider approach to widening access and student success.
Partners Sessions
A whole university approach
Day 1 : 13:30 - 14:00 GMT
Wonks' stage
Mark Andrews
Pedagogical evangelist

Mark Andrews, pedagogical evangelist, Adobe
Partners Sessions
Practical innovation and education change
Day 1 : 11:15 - 12:15 GMT
Woburn Suite
David Kernohan
Deputy editor

David Kernohan is Deputy Editor of Wonkhe. Until June 2016, he worked at Jisc as a programme manager and senior codesign manager, after being seconded from HEFCE in 2006. He has also worked for the University of Glamorgan (now the University of South Wales). As Associate Editor, David has responsibility for the development and delivery of a variety of editorial content. His key areas of wonkishness include teaching quality enhancement policy, funding policy, sector agency politics and history, research policy, and the use of technology and data in Higher Education.
David has written for Wonkhe since foundation, and also maintains a personal blog.
Helena Lim
Academic Lead and Head of Opportunities
evasys Surveys & Evaluation

Dr Helena Lim is Academic Lead at evasys, the leading provider of survey and evaluation software in the UK and Ireland HE sector. She has lectured at Bath, Solent, and the Open University, held Honorary Fellowships at Liverpool and Aberystwyth, held a senior role at the Higher Education Academy (now AdvanceHE) with a UK-wide portfolio, and is currently also Educational Excellence Lead at Queen Mary University of London. Founder of the UK and Ireland Higher Education Institutional Research (HEIR) Network, Helena uses her expertise to inform educational practices and and enhance student learning. Her data-driven approach informs evasys solutions, ensuring they are grounded in evidence and best practices.
Partners Sessions
Making the most of student feedback
Day 2 : 11:30 - 12:15 GMT
Senate Room
Richard Brabner
Director of ESG for UPP and Director of the UPP Foundation

Richard Brabner is Director of ESG for UPP and Director of the UPP Foundation. He was formerly Head of Policy for the University of Hertfordshire.
Joe Cooper
Director of people and culture
University of East London

Joe is the Director of People and Culture at University of East London.
Partners Sessions
Workshop: improving higher education
Day 2 : 14:00 - 15:15 GMT
Woburn Suite
Paul Greatrix
University of Nottingham

Dr Paul Greatrix is Registrar at the University of Nottingham, a post he was appointed to in January 2007.
Prior to joining the University of Nottingham he held a number of roles at the University of Warwick, the University of East Anglia and Staffordshire University.
He is also currently Honorary Secretary of AHUA, the Association of Heads of University Administration in the UK and President of HUMANE, the Heads of University Management and Administration Network in Europe.
Paul used to blog regularly on Wonkhe but now has his own blog, Wonderful HE, and continues to try other things with podcasting.
Andy Youell
HE data and systems specialist

Andy is Executive Director: Regulation at the University College of Estate Management. His career in HE began at the Polytechnics and Colleges Funding Council in 1991 and has included spells at HEFCE and HESA.
In 2013 Andy was appointed Director of the Higher Education Data & Information Improvement Programme (HEDIIP) which was created to reduce the burden and increase the value and accessibility of data and information about HE.
Andy has worked as a freelance consultant advising HE providers and related organisations on data and regulation issues. He has advised governments in Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia and Oman and he worked on a UN project in Jordan that developed statistical reporting for universities across the Middle East.
Andy is a former member of the DfE Information Standards Board and was a member of the independent review of 2020 qualification grades which was commissioned by the Welsh Government.
Partners Sessions
Data Futures, redux
Day 1 : 11:15 - 12:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
Jonathan Grant
Founding director
Different Angles Ltd

Jonathan is founding Director of Different Angles, a consultancy that focuses on the social impact of universities and research. His main areas of experience and expertise are on the social purpose of universities in the 21st century, R&D and innovation policy, research impact assessment and the use of research and evidence in policy and decision-taking. Jonathan used to be professor of public policy at King’s College London, which he joined in 2014 to set up the Policy Institute at King’s and was its Director until 2017. He was subsequently appointed Vice President & Vice Principal (Service). Jonathan’s book, The New Power University. The social purpose of higher education in the 21st century, was published by Pearson in March 2021.
Ben Jordan
Head of policy

Ben has been at UCAS for over a decade and has been described as a ‘leading figure of HE admissions policy’, with his knowledge in this area ‘second to none’. During his time at UCAS, Ben had led the response and engagement around every major political event that could impact on student progression, including Brexit, admissions reform, qualification reform, Scottish independence, general elections, and most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, which involved forming part of three separate ministerial taskforces.
Partners Sessions
UCAS: ask us anything
Day 2 : 09:15 - 10:15 GMT
Wonks' stage
James Coe
Associate editor

James Coe is Associate Editor covering research and innovation at Wonkhe, and a partner at Counterculture.
Partners Sessions
Workshop: policy ideas for the new government
Day 1 : 12:45 - 14:00 GMT
Woburn Suite
Raj Jethwa
Chief Executive

Raj Jethwa is the Chief Executive of UCEA (the Universities and Colleges Employers Association), and leads the association’s work representing the UK higher education sector in all employment matters and in the collective negotiations on pay, pensions and related issues.
Raj was previously the Director of Policy at the BMA (British Medical Association) where he led its professional activities, policy development and collective bargaining functions. Raj has also worked as Head of Research for the Police Federation of England and Wales and as a policy advisor at the TUC (Trades Union Congress). He is a graduate of the London School of Economics, where he was a member of the Court of Governors. Raj is a Visiting Fellow at Kingston University and a member of the Prison Service Pay Review Body.
Partners Sessions
What should the compact be with higher education staff?
Day 1 : 16:30 - 17:30 GMT
Main stage
Nick Hillman

Nick Hillman has been the Director of HEPI since 2014. He worked for the Rt Hon David Willetts MP (now Lord Willetts), the Minister for Universities and Science, from 2007 until the end of 2013, as Chief of Staff and then Special Adviser in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Previously, he was a History teacher and worked at the Association of British Insurers. At the 2010 general election, he was the runner-up in Cambridge. Nick’s recent research for HEPI includes papers on the sixtieth anniversary of the Robbins Report of 1963, the Graduate Route visa and free speech.
Partners Sessions
My imaginary university
Day 1 : 16:30 - 17:30 GMT
Senate Room
Natalie Baker
Open University Students Association

Natalie was elected as the 2024-2026 President of the OU Student’s Association earlier this year following a successful term as VP EDI. She is very committed to the mission of The OU because without it she and so many other OU students would have been locked out of higher education. She is a passionate advocate for EDI & Accessibility and ensuring that the student voice is in all aspects of the institution. Having recently graduated from the OU she is keen to use her experiences to ensure that all future OU students can have the best possible experience and outcomes.
Partners Sessions
The secret sauce for lifelong learning
Day 1 : 15:30 - 16:15 GMT
Woburn Suite
Jess Lister
Associate director, education practice
Public First

Jess is an Associate Director within the Education Practice. At Public First, she works primarily with higher education clients and corporates on post-18 education policy. She was previously Public Affairs Coordinator at the University of Cambridge, where she helped the University respond to regional, national, and international policy developments and advised senior leaders on political strategy.
Jess has an undergraduate degree from Cambridge and an MSc (Distinction) in Education at Birkbeck, focusing on higher education & public policy
Partners Sessions
In conversation: MAC chair Brian Bell, followed by panel: resetting the public narrative on international HE
Day 1 : 13:45 - 15:15 GMT
Main stage